Contact – Information – Availability – Current Pricing – Order – Payment – Status
Moccasin Trail Company
359188 East 1090 Road
Paden, Oklahoma USA 74860
We have really poor telephone service in our area and the internet is about the same, please keep trying eventually it will work. I check frequently.
Residence: 1-405-932-4770 (landline)
Cell: 1-405-566-9971 – Usually poor coverage in our rural location
Facebook: Not yet
Websites: or
Moccasin Trail Company is a Licensed Business in the State of Oklahoma and is required to collect taxes “ONLY” for those items sold within the state.
No direct shop pickup is available as I have priority customer and protected processing contracts. These customers want their product processes kept private.
Open Monday – Friday: 9:00 to 12:00 AM & 1:00 to 4:00 PM Central Time, but call or Emale anytime.
– Closed most weekends and holidays, including the Chickasaw Nation observed holidays
– After Business Hours: Leave a phone message or Email
– If a response is wanted, please provide some contact information
Prior to committing your funds for any MTC purchase, it is in your interest and personal protection to review the Disclaimer Statements contained within the lower portion of the“About MTC Section or Offering” in the above menu.
Not Used: eBay and PayPal fees are excessive and someone has to pay for them.
Currently, Cash, Checks or Money Orders are accepted. I will acknowledge all payments received by Email if a contact address is provided.
Payment with a Check or Money Order for the procurement of any MTC products must be made to ” Moccasin Trail Company”.
All mailing and shipping are with the USPS 1st. Class Envelope, Package or Flat Rate Boxes.
No charges for packaging materials, handling and insurance, they are included in the base prices.
MTC products are generally available immediately, but sometimes due to unexpected weather, order quantities or our batch processing, the inventory becomes depleted or component short. A worst-case should not exceed four weeks for shipping. I have other customers and rarely do they impact schedule priorities, but some are dependent on MTC for deliveries. Raw materials delivery and financial commitment also impact the inventory status. Hope you can understand, as this is a very narrow and inconsistent customer-based business.
Moccasin Trail Company does not share any information provided by you with anyone.
Moccasin Trail Company manufactures high-precision products for multiple USA and foreign companies.
Moccasin Trail Company is a wholly-owned, Oklahoma State-Licensed Business.
This website was created in Sept. of 2017. It is the first and only one.
I am a fair designer and experienced machinist, but a terrible speller, typer and website builder, I hope you can tolerate my shortcomings.