Business – History – Experience – Options – Back Orders – Not Offered – Disclaimer
“A lot of stuff to read, it’s all here and some of it at the end is important”
It is the intent of Moccasin Trail Company to be “WHAT A COMPANY SHOULD BE” and what we should all expect from a company. A professional operation with integrity, experience offering products of innovative designs and manufacturing with high-quality standards for materials application, performance and expected longevity at a fair price. Plus realizing the purpose, performance needs and importance of the products being offered.
It is presumptuous to say, state or advertise that any product is “BETTER or SIMPLY THE BEST” . MTC realizes and respects that decision is reserved for you and only for “YOU”. If a product is so good, it should be the only one available and used by everyone. Additionally, any criticizing or comparison of ours or other existing concepts and products are usually only opinions and attempts to make negative personal observations. MTC offers products that are “OUR BEST” effort and commitment for the intended purpose. We also respect and honor the many other ideas and concepts offered by those that support this sport. MTC does not claim “EXTREME SENSITIVITY” we prefer “RESPONSE, ACCURACY, READABILITY and PERFORMANCE”. Our Wind Flags do not require off-balancing or restraint (Tail Heavy Favored) to produce accurate reading without the fluttering motion. Our design configurations directly address minimizing this distracting issue. It was simply designed out long ago.
The design and development of target shooting tools is not a difficult chore. With a little brain muscle, determination, investigation and testing of different approaches plus applying good manufacturing techniques, better results will emerge. Not accepting existing designs can potentially render improvements. Testing under actual conditions will prove or eliminate concepts. Not testing leaves many questions unanswered. MTC has critically reviewed and analyzed every target shooting tool we could find along with personal experience. Several of the popular wind flags available today were purchased or borrowed to compare against our products. Accepting performance less than any of these was not tolerated and every MTC product performed equally or better than all of them. I would expect the target shooting tools of tomorrow will be far better than those we now have. Old designs that have existed for many years are little justification for today’s application. They may be just used by good shooters or proven by shooters through experience & understanding.
Generally, MTC does not build products only after an order is received. A minimum inventory is maintained for the purpose of responding quickly. This is possible because all MTC products are the result of extensive testing and actual trials to develop confidence and the best possible performance. All of that has resulted in the “STANDARDIZATION” and CONFIDENCE” of our designs. There are no custom or modification options offered. Custom modifications or options would suggest performance improvements are possible and those decisions could result in undefined, uncontrollable & unexpected results.
MTC does not use Styrofoam, Coroplast (polypropylene-plastic cardboard), PVC (sign vinyl is PVC), PVC tubing, polymers, fiberglass, Actel/Delrin, Teflon, wood, Dixie cups or water bottles for the purpose of reducing manufacturing cost or weight reduction, there are far better and more durable long-lasting solutions with equal performance.
Moccasin Trail Company is a licensed business in the State of Oklahoma and listed with the Preferred Vendor Program of the Chickasaw Nation. The company name originated from the road in front of the property before it was changed to a GPS address. The shop is housed in a 1,600 square foot building on ten (10) acres in Central Oklahoma. Our USA-built Hardinge and Cincinnati machinery plus other precision and specially adapted equipment is utilized for the fabrication processes. These machines are equipped with the finest and most accurate tooling I could procure. All manufacturing operations including surface finishing (anodizing) are performed within this shop and in batch lots. Batch processing and component standardization maintain consistency and accuracy allowing the setup, run time and labor cost to be distributed over the entire run, minimizing the processing time which directly impacts the manufacturing cost and selling price. A minimum inventory is maintained to respond quickly to received orders. However batch processing sometimes creates delays if the inventory becomes depleted, but shipping currently is not exceeding four (4) weeks. Purchase requests are processed in the order received, with no exceptions.
Every Product offered by MTC is designed and manufactured in the USA and is the result of several years of personal experience, suggestions, research, comparison, evaluation, and evolution. MTC products offer high-performance accurate responsive reaction, distance readability plus long-lasting reliability. MTC is focused on creating strong innovative straight forward and logical simple designs that “WORK”. Entry-level or economy-grade products are “NOT” offered to reduce the price or minimize performance. It is and should be our objective to offer “ONLY the BEST” products we can. However, MTC reserves the right to make changes and improvements at any time. Changes and improvements as defined by MTC are performance-related and will never include lowering quality.
Occasionally an item is returned for repair, but “NEVER HAVE ANY BEEN RETURNED FOR PERFORMANCE RELATED ISSUES” usually shot, stepped on, broken by the wind or a car door. All were repaired or replaced at a minimal charge or at no cost.
My experience in
competitive target shooting has spanned over 24 years. I am an NRA Life Member and I hold an NRA Lifetime Master High Power Rifle Classification and an NRA Distinguished Expert Pistol Classification. My primary interest in competitive shooting began with a Winchester Model 52C Bull Barrel in 22LR that my dad bought for me while I was in High School. It had Redfield International and Globe Olympic sights. A box of EleyTenex was about $2.00. My dad insisted I shoot Offhand and would always say “Stand and Deliver”. Later I took up pistol competition to improve my trigger control and shoot with my dad. That resulted in an NRA Expert Classification. I still have the Colt Gold Cup plus two S&W Model 41’s and my dad’s Colt Woodsman Match Target plus my favorite is still the first-year issue S&W Model 52 in 38 Special. My dad was a fine pistol shot and belonged to the Long Beach, California Sheriffs Department. He shot almost every week. At an early age, I was cleaning the Colt Woodsman MatchTarget and Colt Officers Model Pistols weekly.
At about the age of fifteen, my dad suggested I help a 4-Position rifle team that needed a fourth shooter. That was with his Winchester Model 70 in 30-06. We won that day and I was the high-score shooter, I was hooked. So most of my shooting experience was with high-power rifles. For my personal high-power rifle competition, I originally used the Model 70, latter a Kimber Long Master in 308 Winchester. But now with a Remington action, Kriger barrel long throated chamber for the 284 (7mm) Winchester and 140 gr. bullets. It’s a great accurate caliber for silhouette, It may not be more accurate than the 30, but it retains velocity better, flies flatter and hits harder at 500 meters.
My Bench Rest shooting lasted only about 3 years. Another interest with so much more importance and fun came into my life, a very special woman, she’s still here and I never looked back. The love and happiness she gives me every day is more than I ever expected or deserved. It was and is still the best choice I ever made. My only regret is that I didn’t meet her earlier in my life. She is so much more fun than anything I ever did in my life before her.
Early I realized how much influence the wind has on a small bullet (52 grain) and not so much on a heavy 180gr. 30. But the accuracy demands are different. So I got to thinking and made a wind flag for myself, and many more that were mostly copied, but they offered nothing special. After a few tries, one worked well and It became obvious that there were areas that could be addressed and improved. If you experiment enough and consistently challenge the norm certain things will become obvious. Making the same things with different materials or colors is not technical advancement, succeeding at finding better improvements is. That’s how the MTC Tracker Wind Flags and the other shooting accessories evolved and began. My early flags got a lot of attention and I sold a bunch of them in California for $25.00, That was when the material was cheap and postage was fair.
Today I practice in my shop at 10 meters with a Feinwerkbau 300S air rifle and an RWS Mod. 6 air pistol, both are much more accurate than I can match. Early bench rest was with a Remington 40-X in 222 Remington and a 24x Leupold that I still have. The 222 Remington Magnum is a Sako Vixen I used for 200 yards, it is amazingly accurate for a factory rifle. Before the Remington 40X it was an FN Bench-Rest rifle in 6mm International, that’s a 250 Savage Necked down to 6mm/243. Once it shot a couple of .072 groups and I was offered $1,000 for it. Married with 3 kids a $1,000 is a lot of money.
I have participated in individual and team competitions in NRA, U.S.R.A., IHMSA, ARA, Bench Rest, High Power Rifle and Pistol Silhouette matches plus trap and skeet shooting. I joined the NRA long before it became a political lobbying organization, back when its primary focus was on firearm information, target competition and hunting activity as a sport.
MTC does not manufacture or offer any product that is intended to be used for the purpose of harming or inflicting personal injury to anyone. MTC is dedicated to the pursuit of firearm accuracy for the sole purpose of target competition and accuracy improvement as an honorable American and International sport.
At age of 12, I began competitive target shooting, at age 18, I began reloading and casting bullets for 38 Special and 45 ACP for NRA sanctioned and other pistol matches until Dupont/Remington offered a sponsorship. My casting allowed me to shoot much more than I could have otherwise. I learned a lot about casting techniques, metal alloys, tempering, sizing, weights, neck tension, lubricates, powder types and charges, they all make a difference even in a pistol. I found that understanding and applying everything that I learned had resulted in knowing exactly where the pistol was going to shoot every time. It is a great confidence builder to have absolute trust in your equipment. As for the 22LR’s I used the Remington boxes filled with Eley. Sometimes the Eley primer smell gave them away. I had to be careful around Remington people.
Along the way, I achieved an R&D Machinist Classification, Senior Industrial Engineer, Program Manager, Director of Operations, Director of Product Development and Company President positions. At each of these positions, I attempted to concentrate my efforts on analyzing and improving processes and designs for achieving performance results. I seem to have a desire to question most everything. This effort, experience, and acquired knowledge are now incorporated into all MTC products. Each item offered represents my personal experience along with suggestions provided by many users and other competitors. MTC is committed to supporting and achieving shooting accuracy improvements and winning objectives.
This website was created in September of 2017 in response to the growing interest and request for the bench rest items I had earlier made for myself and fellow competitors. Previously those things I made and sold were only through direct contact. After twenty (20) years I can only guess at the quantities, but there was a bunch, maybe about (120) one hundred and twenty. Only after I decided to restart making those items again did I apply for an Oklahoma State Business License. Business names sometimes are difficult and only Moccasin Trail Company was available to me. It was the name of the road in front of my home, now a GPS address 1090 Road. So my earlier products carried no formal name, specific identification or contact data. I could only be found by asking those that were using my stuff. Unfortunately, some of those guys are now gone. After I had made a lot of them, it occurred to me that I should start taking credit for my work and put some identification on them. So that’s where Moccasin Trail Company comes from. You will have some difficulty identifying my earlier wind flags and shooting accessories, but the design of those that are now being offered are very similar with the addition of anodizing. Many of those early things have been retired, lost, sold, resold, stolen, destroyed or maybe just worn out. But now there is a growing interest and inquiry about those early items and again they are available with some upgraded advantages.
MTC does not offer post or stands but is complete with everything required for optimum performance. Our product mounting is based upon standard applications with nothing unique. Options and upgrades at an additional cost are “NOT” required or offered to improve our product performance. It is the intention of Moccasin Trail Company to be as thorough as possible in describing and providing detailed information plus multiple views of our products realizing that they represent a significant investment and factor in realizing your shooting goals. Minor assembly (with instructions) is required for some products to lower the shipping cost. No added cost for handling, packaging materials, tracking number or insurance, these are included in the base price. Shipping cost is actual as provided by carriers based upon “READY to SHIP SAMPLE PACKAGES”. All products are offered directly from MTC with no second-level seller adding additional cost or profit. MTC will continue our attempt to maintain current pricing, however, with the rising cost for materials, postage, and shipping plus the threat of imposing tariffs, pricing control is becoming increasingly difficult as we are already seeing material price increases.
If back-orders become necessary MTC requires full payment including shipping to maintain your position in the manufacturing cycle. I will continue to honor the prices listed at the time of your order. I must make commitments for material to respond to your request. However, prior to accepting payment for any back-order item, I will provide an estimated date for shipping. As indicated above any back-order is not expected to exceed (4) four weeks. It is “YOUR CHOICE” at that time to accept my schedule and “PROCEED or NOT”. I tend to be as optimistic as possible, but the situations of everyday life sometimes superspeed my expectations.
MTC Does Not Offer:
Custom-made products, as every item is the result of extensive testing in actual conditions for proven performance and reliability.
COD (Collect On Delivery) or PO Box (Post Office Box) Shipping.
Non-USA addresses. I do not have rates.
Direct pick up from the shop. I have priority-protected processes for other customers.
Custom products as MTC produce only batch lot quantities of proven designs.
Adapters for other wind flags as I currently have limited samples, information or the dimensions to manufacture them. But recently I have been requested to design and manufacture special adapters for those that have dedicated posts with unique wind flag mounting. All were accomplished and the offering is expanding
Options at additional cost to you. Everything required is included for maximum performance, visibility, and reliability. Contact MTC if you require something reasonable, as I am somewhat flexible and respectful of your suggestions and opinions.
Detailed operating instructions for every situation. MTC assumes that purchasers of our products understand the application and function of each item prior to committing their funds.
Stands or post as they are readily available from several sources in many heights and price ranges. Some with free shipping and one (1) week delivery. Consider the minimum and maximum extension heights when purchasing. Generally, the top of the flag should be no higher than a line from the top of the shooting bench to the top of the target. Select those with the common or standard 1/4-20 male thread camera mount for MTC products. Weight bags or something heavy will help stabilize the lighter stands and protect your investment. Our rotating and locking device included with the bubble levels will greatly improve all wind flags performance by establishing an accurate & level base.
DISCLAIMER: – Somethings are both of our responsibility
Procurers and Users of any Moccasin Trail Company or MTC product must agree to and accept the full and total responsibility for each and every situation prior to purchasing or use. Please review the following “WARNING” before purchasing any MTC product.
WARNING: Neodymium (rare earth) magnets are used in several MTC products to eliminate continuing motion once the activity of the wind has stopped. Do not remove them as they offer no risk as installed. Care must be exercised when handling or using them as they are extremely strong, brittle and can shatter if abused. Certain devices that utilize magnetic’s for memory can potentially be affected if close contact is established.
Carbon fiber arrow shafts are also used on several MTC Tracker products. Carbon fiber arrow shafts are strong, lightweight, straight, brittle and expensive. They are difficult to break but can be easily crushed and the sharp shards can hurt you. Those used by MTC are not unique as all carbon fiber or graphite arrow shafts have similar characteristics.
The thin sheet Aluminum tail assembly has sharp edges and caution plus care should be exercised when handling them.
Our measuring and comparing tools are designed to be used with live-loaded ammunition. The indicator anvil travel is limited to prevent excessive force from being applied to the cartridge-primer area. “DO NOT PURCHASE THESE ITEMS IF YOU DO NOT FULLY UNDERSTAND THE POTENTIAL DANGER OF HANDLING AND MEASURING LIVE-LOADED AMMUNITION”
As with any device that is intended to be sensitive and responsive these also required careful handling and cleaning to maintain accurate performance.
Moccasin Trail Company – MTC cannot and will not be held responsible for any injury or death resulting from the use or abuse of any MTC product. Reasonable, since able and smart cautions are always recommended and expected. Please review, understand and consider the “WARNING” before committing your funds for the purchase of any Moccasin Trail Company – MTC product.
Legal Obligations for all parties are complex and difficult to understand or enforce. All MTC can promise is to be fair and honest in our statements, products and pricing with the same expectations from our customers and users.